Transit Techies NYC #7: Seven Minute Delay

Wednesday, March 20, 2019


Sunny Ng will open the night talking about how he built and how it can detect delays and issue alerts faster than MTA-issued alerts.

Samara Trilling, Sidewalk Labs’ accessibility lead, will walk us through their recently-released digital and physical Accessibility Principles. These principles were development in collaboration with the Toronto accesibility community and include things from wayfinding experiences in public parks, to accessible ways of hailing AVs, to the infrastructure needed to support new assistive technologies.

Will Geary will explore Wayfinder3D, an application he built which fetches route recommendations from the Google Maps API and plots them on a 3D globe. This will be Will’s second time presenting at Transit Techies NYC.

Eric Goldwyn will wrap up the night by presenting his work on a redesign of the Brooklyn bus network he built with fellow transit-expert Alon Levy. Their redesign focused on improving average bus speeds and included extensive analysis of BusTime, ridership, and land-use data.

Written Recap

Recap by Pranav Badami on Medium.